discover the wawilib features

Powerful data recording facilities
Send to disk file the values of your variables, to .csv, .xlsx or .xml. Time based or when they change. Create a new file or send your sketch output to disk each 15 minutes, each hour or each day so your data remains manageable. Limit the disk space by cleaning up the oldest files. Multiple data recorders with multiple settings can be active on multiple Arduino's at the same time.

Easy connection scanner
The WawiLib connection dialog lets you select all possible combinations of interfaces with 1 click and WawiLib figures out itself what the right settings are by scanning the buses according to your selections (screenshot)

Detailed feedback and diagnostics via output window
Protocol details, communication messages, variables written, data recording details, communication interface details,... (screenshot)

Communication with multiple Arduino’s in parallel

Works also via Arduino USB interface
WawiLib can use the Arduino programming connection via USB (but also supports Wifi, wired network and Serial)

Typical read time < 20 ms/variable

Variables are read and written while the Arduino circulates through its main loop
Trigger the write job by pressing the "enter" key after typing a new value

Easy coding
Variables are exposed in your sketch via 1 line of code in a function. Example: WawiVar(A) (screenshot)

Introduce one or many .wawiBreak() statement in your source code and have the execution stop at that point to look at the values of your static variables at that point. Capture rare events by defining a breakpoint condition and continue execution after inspection.

All config files (interfaces, variables, settings) are in XML format

Supported display formats
INT, UINT, HEX, CHAR, STRING, FLOAT, DOUBLE and String. Support of arrays of all these formats (including strings)

Array, structure and string support
WawiLib supports arrays or all simple 'C'-types, individual fields of structures and strings of characters
Get started with WawiLib today
Start now with real time monitoring of your Arduino variables