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The license is linked to a computer motherboard and HD. You have the right to move your license 3 times. Contact info@sylvestersolutions.com if you want to move your license.

If you use the USB programming port both for WawiLib communication and to program your Arduino board, the Arduino IDE programming interface must close the USB (virtual) serial interface before WawiLib can make a connection and vice versa.

If you open a Serial Monitoring Window in the Arduino IDE, it will claim the USB serial interface of your board and WawiLib will have no access to the port. Therefore you need to close the Serial Monitoring Window to release the interface.

Close the Serial Monitoring Window in the IDE to release the USB (virtual) serial port.

If you use the USB programming port both for WawiLib communication and to program your Arduino board, the Arduino IDE programming interface must close the USB seral interface before WawiLib can make a connection and vice versa.

Go offline with WawiLib so the Arduino IDE can get access to the USB (virtual) serial port.

Set High DPI scaling behavior to “Scaling performed by application”; Right click on the application icon, “Properties”, “Compatibility” tab, “Settings” section, “Change High DPI settings”.

You need to add the WawiLib libraries to your Arduino IDE. Use the menu “Sketch/Include Library/Add .zip library”. Select “C:\Program Files\SylvesterSolutions\Wawilib PC\WawiSerialUsb.zip” as the library to be included.